Le Bistro Ban Vat Sene
Le Bistro Ban Vat Sene is a Café Restaurant which welcomes you to serve you without interruption from 8:30 to 22:00.
For Breakfast, lunch and dinner you will find a selection of french, but also lao dishes. Don't forget to finish your meal or spend an afternoon with a good pastry or a good ice cream.
Enjoy this venue which boasts free Wi-Fi internet access and provides magazines and newspapers in different languages.

Our Menu
Our kitchen is fully Homemade (croissants, breads, jams, pastries), and essentially based on local products (buffalo and beef, fish mekong). Vegetables and herbs come to most of our organic garden.
Our ice cream is homemade with natural flavours.
Click below to learn more. Good appetite.

Contact Us
Open daily from 6:30 to 22:00.
Email: bistrobanvatsene@elephant-restau.com
To book call +856 71 252 482 or fill the form below.